Past Life Regression and Release Techniques are Explored on an Egypt Odyssey
Released on: September 29, 2008, 1:48 am
Press Release Author: Psychic Dave Tillman
Industry: Human Resources
Press Release Summary: Psychic Dave will guide guests through some amazing metaphysical journeys across Ancient Egyptian terrains and monuments.
Press Release Body: Los Angeles, California ( ExpressPressRelease ) – September 22, 2008 – Psychic Dave Tillman is taking his exceptional talents on an Egypt adventure. Thirty guest spots are available to accompany Dave and his team on a 12 day escapade starting in Cairo, visiting Aswan and embarking on a four day Nile cruise, then overnight in Luxor and then a day trip to Alexandria, one of Egypt’s largest cities.
Dave Tillman ( has spent years honing in on the psychic gifts that he was born with. His talents span from future predictions to various metaphysical systems, to communing with past loved ones. He has an incredible gift for reaching people on “the other side.” Dave’s astonishing ability to predict the future ( and his extraordinary accuracy are unmatched.
Dave’s upcoming trip across Egypt will involve a past life regression workshop in the Luxor Temple. The workshop will open guest’s channels through meditation and walk them through a past life regression to uncover where former lives may have encountered energies that continue affecting their current existence.
“A lot of people feel that their past lives were in Egypt.” Dave explains as his motive for the trip. “In a past life, I was as an Egyptian slave,” He chuckles at the thought. “I obviously liked it because I want to return.”
Psychometry will be we explored during the past life regression seminar so that guests will be able to learn to draw on their own psychic abilities to feel vibrations of ancient objects within the Luxor Temple.
Every object retains energy from various experiences and that energy can be felt through a process called psychometry. Dave will teach people how to tap into their metaphysical capabilities and begin to feel the presence of this energy force.
Releasing Techniques will be explored on the fifth day of the journey at the end of a camel led excursion to St. Simeon’s Monastery on the West Bank of the sandy Sahara Desert. Dave will lead guests through some techniques to alleviate energy blockages that have been affecting their lives.
Every experience we have leaves an energy charged “footprint” on our lives. “You may have had a fight with a friend when you were 14 years old and that energy remains in the form of a blockage today.” Dave explains. Releasing those obstructions can free people of the forces that have been holding them back.
Among the historical sites that will be visited are the pyramids of Giza and Sakkara, the Sphinx, the Citadel, various temples and sacred monuments in the Valley of the Kings and the breath taking landscapes of the Egyptian countryside. A monumental experience of the culture and history of this beautiful land will be experience on a whole new level.
The Egyptian odyssey will truly be a life changing experience for everyone involved. This absolutely incredible expedition will take participants across the realm of time and stunning scenery to find an unexplored plane of wisdom, and inspiration.
Tour date: February 5-16, 2009. Price, including round trip airfare from JFK to Cairo, is an astonishing $2995. Hurry now to secure your spot. Final deadline for reservations is December 1, 2008.
For information on joining Psychic Dave ( on is Egypt trip or employing his other services contact Dave at
Psychic Dave Tillman (323)610-0161
Web Site:
Contact Details: Psychic Dave Tillman (323)610-0161
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